Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chapter 6 Reading Response

I enjoyed the different explanations of theories of photography throughout this chapter. I've never explored these formal ideas and this chapter prompted some new thoughts in my mind. I found it interesting how fine art related to photography in the 60's and 70's through pop art.

Landscape as a genre in photography and fine art has always been interesting to me, especially with my major and studying the transcendentalists.  At first these landscape photos depicted a sublime, surreal and perfect environment, usually with some kind of higher being connotation in the image.  As photography and fine art progresses it's obvious that not only are beautiful images of nature are created, but images of the degradation are represented more frequently in our constantly developing world.

 The chapter described the postmodern theory of photograph and how it's centered on staged or constructed photographs. This concept made me question: Can staged photography be considered photo journalistic or authentic?

I also wonder if photography became so popular in the fine art world because of it's reference to the medium of fine art.

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